Thursday, October 10, 2013

Genesis Bible Nuggets

Genesis- Bible Nuggets  

·       Chapter one covers creation of heaven and earth.

·       Chapter two covers God finishing his creative work, and the creation of Adam and Eve. God gave commandment to Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God rested on the seventh day.

·       Chapter 3 covers the disobedience of man, and God putting them out of the garden.

·       Chapter 4 covers the birth of Adam and Eve's children, Cain kills his brother Abel.

·       Chapter 5 covers the generations of Adam.

·       Chapter 6 God is sorry that he made man, and vows to destroy him off the face of the earth. God tells Noah to build an ark.

·       Chapters 7 & 8 cover the flood upon the earth.

·       Chapter 9 covers life after the flood, God's covenant with Noah, and Canaan being cursed by Noah.

·       Chapter 10 covers the generations of Noah's 3 sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

·       Chapter 11 covers the tower of babel, the generation of Shem which produced Abraham.

·       Chapter 12 covers God's promise to Abraham, Abraham's journey into land of Canaan, and Egypt.

·        Chapter 13 covers the separation of Abraham and Lot.

·       Chapter 14 covers Lot taken captive, and rescued by Abraham.

·       Chapter 15 covers God's confirmation of his promise to Abraham.

·       Chapter 16 covers the birth of Ishmael by Hagar, Sarah’s maid.

·       Chapter 17, God establishes his covenant with Abram, changed is name to Abraham, changed Sari to Sarah. God gave the seal of circumcision to Abraham, promised Isaac.

·       Chapter 18, Abraham is met by 3 men (angels) who
confirm the birth of Isaac the next year. God spoke to Abraham concerning destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

·       Chapter 19, God destroyed Sodom but spared Lot. Lot's two daughters makes their father drunk, lays with him and conceives.

·       Chapter 20 Abimelech takes Abraham’s wife Sarah, (thinking she was his sister), and is plagued by God.

·       Chapter 21 Isaac is born. Sarah cast out Hagar and Ishmael.

·       Chapter 22 God tests Abraham by telling him to offer up Isaac his son, as a burnt offering.

·       Chapter 23 covers the death and burial of Sarah at 127 years old.

·       Chapter 24, Isaac marries Rebecca.

·       Chapter 25, Abraham marries Keturah and has 6 sons, dies at 175 years old. Esau and Jacob are born to Rebekah and Isaac. Esau sells his birthright.

·       Chapter 26 covers Isaac dealing with Abimelech, God appeared to Isaac as he did to Abraham, Esau marries a Hittite woman.

·       Chapter 27, Jacob deceived Isaac and takes Esau's blessing. Jacob flees to Laban.

·       Chapter 28, Jacob journey to Laban. God appeared to Jacob in a dream of a ladder ascending to heaven.

·       Chapter 29, Jacob arrives at Laban, meets Rachel, works 7 years for her but gets Leah. He works another 7 years for Rachel.

·       Chapter 30, Sons are born to Jacob by Bilhah and Leah. Finally. Joseph is born by Rachel. Jacob increases mightily in goods.

·       Chapter 31, God instructs Jacob to return to the land of Canaan. Jacobs slips off without telling Laban, who gets angry and follows after him. God deals with Laban and the two are reconciled.

·        Chapter 32, Jacob hears that Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men. Jacob wrestles with an angel all night, who changed his name from Jacob to Israel.

·       Chapter 33, Esau meets Jacob, fall on his neck and kiss him. The two are reconciled. Jacob continues on to the land of Canaan.

·       Chapter 34, Dinah, Jacobs daughter is defiled by Shechem. Levi and Simeon takes revenge by killing all the men in the city.

·       Chapter 35, God appears to Jacob at Bethel and reaffirms his promise made to Abraham, and his name changed to Israel. Benjamin is born by Rachel who dies during delivery. Ruben lays with his father’s concubine Bilhah. Isaac dies at 180 years old.

·        Chapter 36 covers the genealogy of Esau, who separates himself from Jacob because their substance (riches) was more than the land could support. Chapter 37, Joseph tells his dreams to his brothers who hates him. He is sold into slavery and carried to Egypt. Chapter 38, Judah takes a wife and has 3 sons of which 2 are killed by The Lord for being evil. Judah (through deception) lays with his daughter-in-law who conceives and bear twins (Pharez and Zarah).

·       Chapter 39, Joseph finds favor with Potiphar who puts him in charge of all his household. Joseph runs away from Potiphar's wife who tries to seduce him, and is put in prison as result of her lies. In prison, Gods favor is still upon Joseph who is put in charge of the prisoners.

·       Chapter 40, Joseph interprets the dreams of the butler and baker in prison which comes to pass as spoken.

·       Chapter41, Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream, and is made ruler over all Egypt. Ephraim and Manasseh is born to Joseph. Joseph stores food during the 7 years of plenty, and start distribution in the following 7 years of famine.

·       Chapter 42, Joseph's ten brothers were sent to Egypt to buy corn. They were recognized by Joseph, who made himself strange unto them. They were instructed by Joseph to bring their younger brother, Benjamin. Simeon was kept as security, Jacob refuses to send Benjamin.

·       Chapter43, Jacob's sons return to Egypt with Benjamin. They were invited to eat at Joseph's house whom they still did not recognize. The eleven bowed down to Joseph as was told to them in his dream years ago.

·        Chapter44, Joseph further tested his brothers by planting his silver cup in Benjamin's sack. After being brought back to Egypt, Judah pleads with Joseph not to keep Benjamin as it would kill his father.

·       Chapter 45, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, forgives them, and sends them to get his father.)

·       Chapter 46, Jacob takes his journey into the land of Egypt, all his seed with him. Sixty six souls besides his son's wives. Joseph comes to meet his father.

·       Chapter 47, Joseph presents his family to Pharaoh, who welcomes them to the land of Egypt. Joseph stockpiles much wealth for Pharaoh during the remaining years of famine. At 147 years old, Jacob ask Joseph not to bury him in Egypt, but to carry him back to the place of his fathers. Joseph promises to do so.

·       Chapter 48, Jacob blessed Joseph's sons, putting Ephraim (younger) before Manasseh (elder), and takes them for his own sons.

·       Chapter 49, Jacob calls his sons together and tells them what shall befall them in the last days. He tells them, “ The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering.. f the people be” Afterward, he gives up the ghost, and is gathered to his people.
·        Chapter 50, Joseph and his brethren buries their father. Joseph's brothers are afraid of him, and request to become his servants. Joseph assures them that what they meant for evil, God meant for good to save much people alive. Joseph dies at 110 years old.


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